Dr. Haircare is one of the Top Silicone Hair Fixing Services providers in Jayanagar Bangalore. Hair fixing is a non-surgical hair replacement Procedure. Hair Fixing helps to regain your look by using a Hair System, to cover the areas of your scalp where you have hair loss. Hair fixing gives you exact natural look, which is more cost effective procedure. It is a highly successful and an extremely convenient method to beat hair loss. We have hair fixing experts to provide the best solutions to hair loss problems. Hair fixing is the best solution for the people with complete bald head.
Dr. Haircare provides customized solution for hair fixing in Bangalore to meet the individual’s requirement. Hair fixing is non-surgical Hair replacement techniqueto match the color and characteristics of the real hair. The method of Hair fixing is very simple and gentle. This process commensurate with a general evaluation of the extent of baldness. Some observations are made on evaluating existing density, thickness of the retained hair, and comfort on ambient temperature for the patient and the patient’s expectations. Natural hair is weaved meticulously on to the polymer based non-natural scalp. This Hair System is fixed to the bald portion of the head using the different techniques likeHair weaving, Hair bonding, Hair clipping and Hair extensions at our hair care center. After hair fixing, customers can swim, travel in open vehicle and do any type of work. Hair fixing is free from allergic complaints.
Dr. Haircare suggests the proper treatment to the problems related hair loss. We provide different types of hair fixing services, for both men and women at their clinic in Jayanagar. Hair Fixing is a real solution for those people who are suffering from such hair loss problems. For Hair Bonding, imported dermatologically tested adhesives (gum) are used to paste the hair patch to the bald portion of the head. In Hair Weaving, knot weft is made in the existing hair strands of the customer. The hair patch will be then weft meticulously to that knots. Hair Clipping will be fixed under the hair patch and will be interlocked with the existing hairs of the customer. There are permanent and temporary hair extensions that can be used for hair fixing. Micro ring hair extensions are permanent and Removable daily wear hair extensions are temporary. Our Silicone Hair fixing Cost in Jayanagar Bangalore is affordable and can be done for those who lost their hair after chemotherapy treatment. We are at the top when searched for Silicone Hair Fixing near me in Jayanagar Bangalore.
#63, 27th CROSS, JAYANAGAR 4TH Block, (Above KP Jewellery & Gems)Near Mishra peda signal, Bangalore 560011